Covid-19 Guidelines
Red Horse Ranch's Current Covid-19 Guidelines
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Effective immediately and in addition to the President’s Coronavirus Guidelines for America, the following precautions are to be taken by all boarders, leasers, Trainers and students at Red Horse Ranch.


  • Please do not share your supplies or tack with others.
  • Disinfect your belongings before and after each use, including the tops of your feed containers.
  • Sanitize your hands frequently. You will find hand sanitizer and/or sanitizing wipes in the feed room as well as all tack rooms. As you know it is difficult to find hand sanitizer, we would greatly appreciate you bringing your own. 
  • Wear your riding gloves at all times. This practice will help to keep you and others from possible contamination especially when touching communal items (i.e. forks, feed bowls, hoses etc.).
  • Feed bowls will now be located in the temporary pen. In the temporary pen you will find 2 large buckets. The first bucket will contain a solution of dish soap and water and the second a solution of bleach and water. Before and after using a feed bowl please submerge the bowl first into the bucket with soap and secondly into the bucket with the bleach solution. A third bucket with plain water will also be used for rinsing. These buckets will be cleaned daily.. 
  • Keep a minimum space barrier of 6 feet between yourself and others at all times. Unfortunately, this means all casual chats, grooming of your horse and rides with friends must be at a distance.
  • Dave and Lisa will be sanitizing all communal items in the A.M and P.M.
  • Aside from the precautions stated above, and until further notice, continue to ride, take your lessons, enjoy your horse as usual… and most importantly stay healthy and safe.